Year 5 Superheroes

Over the past few weeks Year 5 have been working on their imaginative writing. The Year 3 teachers came to us, asking for some quality texts to go into their class writing. Year 5 came to the rescue and decided to write SUPERHERO stories. They engaged in the writing process from planning, drafting, editing, re-crafting and publishing their writing. They were amazing!
Last week they had the pleasure to read their writing to the Year 3 students.


Superheroes 1  Superheroes 10

Superheroes 11

Superheroes 12

Superheroes 14

Superheroes 15

Superheroes 16

Superheroes 17

Superheroes 2

Superheroes 3

Superheroes 4 Superheroes 5

Superheroes 8

Superheroes 9