Our Staff

Whether in the office or teaching in our dynamic learning spaces, our staff are part of a system committed to ensuring the best outcomes for every learner within a Catholic faith environment.

St Mary MacKillop staff are passionate about seeing young people grow and succeed as well as the delivery of innovative academic, pastoral and co-curricular programs that utilise the latest educational research to offer students a relevant and personalised 21st century education.

If you need to speak with a member of staff below, please contact the school office.

Staff at St Mary MacKillop Primary


Leadership Team

Principal Mr Scott Buchan
Assistant Principal  Mrs Michelle O'Leary 
Religious Education Coordinator Mrs Leesa Gillard
Early Stage 1 Coordinator Mrs Nicole Darby
Stage 1 Coordinator
Mrs Amanda Joseph
Stage 2 Coordinator Mrs Leesa Gillard / Mrs Michelle O'Leary
Stage 3 Coordinator Mrs Jessica Tredinnick

Classroom Teachers

Kindergarten Mrs Nicole Darby (KG)
Mrs Carly Eekmam (KM) 
Year One

Miss Cassandra Wotherspoon (1G)                                                                                Mrs Erin Ward (1M)

Year Two Mrs Amanda Joseph (2G)
Miss Lauren Izzard (2M)
Year Three Miss Stephanie Neilsen (3G)
Mr Darren McErlain (3M) 
Year Four Mrs Michelle Jarrett (4G)
Mr Grant Martin (4M)
Year Five Mrs Jessica Tredinnick (5M)
Mrs Victoria Burge (5G)
Year Six Miss Clair Pirotta (6M)
Mrs Kay Moore (6G) 

Support Staff

Diversity Teachers (Learning Support)

Mrs Michelle O'Leary

Mrs Niamh McDonald

Mrs Leesa Gillard

Miss Dianne Touzell

Mrs Michelina Bizzanelli

Ms Brittany Carey

Mrs Dianne Doohan              

Teacher Librarian Mrs Maree Eisenhuth
RFF Teachers

Mrs Margo Woodhead

Mr Michael Brown (Creative Arts)

Mrs Erin Smiles (Physical Education)

Miss Dianne Touzell

Coordinator Release

Mrs Margo Woodhead

Mrs Ashlea Milgate

Teacher Assistants

Mrs Judy Inskip

Mrs Simone Breia

Mrs Kristy Daines

Mrs Marina Napoli

Mrs Jo Groger

 Administration Office Mrs Monique Kearins and Mrs Nicole Brock
 IT Trainee Jacob Kapustic
 Maintenance Mr Colin Meredith