Catholic Schools offer the unique opportunity to celebrate through prayer and worship. Catholic Schools Week is a special time in the year when we celebrate and give thanks for Catholic Schools, especially our own school St Mary MacKillop. It is a time to give thanks for the wonderful learning and teaching that takes place each day in every classroom.
Below is a few snapshots of some of the wonderful learning that we have captured so far this year in each grade.

Kindergarten have been working hard to build their concepts of numbers. With a partner they make their number using counters and draw their numbers on the whiteboard to share.
Great teamwork!

Year 1 have their “Fun Friday Writing”. Students are given different writing prompts and are encouraged to think imaginatively. We have some pretty creative writers in Year 1!

Year 2 have been learning about how to live a Christian life by loving Jesus. They have focused on the Parable of ‘The Good
Samaritan’. Here is a picture of a group reenacting the parable and expressing their thoughts about how they can be like the
Good Samaritan.

Year 3 have been busy studying the book ‘Mirror’ by Jeannie Baker and have been inspired by her creative artistic techniques. They have begun the process of creating their own nature based artworks using her technique of collaging. Here is a sample that marks the beginning of this process.

In PDHPE, Year 4 have been studying “What friendship is” and ‘What makes a good friend” and what we can work on together to become better friends. Here is Year 4 with their heads down reflecting on their thoughts.

Year 5 love Science!
Last week we had a visit from Skyworks Planetarium. This is a photo of Year 5 entering the planetarium to explore the universe in a whole new way. There was a light displaying showing us how vast our universe really is.

Year 6 have been learning about Asia this term.
They have delved into different forms of mapping skill through the use of maps, Google Maps and Atlases. Asia is a continent that contains 48 different countries. We can’t wait to find out more about Asia!